Photo by Tyler Jones, UF/IFAS
The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) recently announced changes to the Florida pesticide examination process. It noted that pesticide applicators often rely on UF/IFAS Extension to obtain pesticide education, training and support, and to take their respective exams. All 67 county offices have historically offered free exams, through paper or using a computer.
The changes are due to technological updates to Windows, internet networks and the computers UF/IFAS uses for testing.
Starting Jan. 1, 2025, UF/IFAS Extension offices will no longer offer paper testing. Computer exams will still be available at UF/IFAS Extension offices up to October 2025. Click here to apply and schedule an examination. You can also take the exam online using your computer through Everblue.
Starting Oct. 1, 2025, UF/FAS Extension offices will no longer offer any type of testing. The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) is working to determine what the process will be after Oct. 1, 2025. FDACS is in the process of selecting a testing vendor to take over testing procedures at the time of the change. Two options are being considered:
1) Testing on a remote proctored platform. This would be similar (if not the same) to the current Everblue portal.
2) Testing at licensed testing centers around the state. These locations host a variety of other tests, like the GRE, SAT and other professional certification exams.
UF/IFAS Extension will still be committed to serving the community through education. Extension agents will continue to offer pesticide training and support to all pesticide applicators in Florida.
More information about these changes may be obtained from the UF/IFAS Pesticide Information Office; phone 352-392-4721.
Core continuing education units (CEUs) toward the Florida restricted-use pesticide license are available through Citrus Industry’s CEU Central articles here.
Source: UF/IFAS
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