Japan’s mandarin and orange crops are both forecast to decline in 2024–25 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS).
Japan’s mandarin production is estimated at 830,000 metric tons (MT) for 2024–25, a 4.7% reduction from the prior year. Mandarin production in Japan continues to decline because of high summer temperatures, in addition to a decreasing number of farmers and planted acreage.
USDA FAS estimates unshu production will be 646,000 MT, down 5.2% from the prior year. Chubankan production will be 184,000 MT.
Harvested area for mandarins in 2024–25 is forecast at 46,900 hectares, down from 48,000 the prior year.
Japan’s mandarin imports are projected to increase 11% to 16,000 MT. That includes a marginal increase to 3,500 MT for U.S. exports.
Japan’s tangerine/mandarin exports are forecast at 2,000 MT for 2024–25, up from 1,931 MT the prior year.
Japan’s orange production for 2024–25 is forecast to decrease marginally from 5,000 MT the prior year to 4,800 MT. Approximately 90% of orange production is navels.
The harvested area for oranges has been on a continuous decline because of structural problems, such as the aging of farmers and the lack of successors. The harvested area for oranges in Japan decreased another 3.6% to 353 hectares in 2023–24. As this problem is anticipated to continue in Japan, a further reduction of harvested Japanese orange acreage is forecast to 339 hectares for 2024–25.
Japanese imports of fresh oranges are projected to decrease 5.8% from the prior year to 65,000 MT for 2024–25. Following Australia, the United States is the second largest supplier of fresh oranges to Japan with approximately 44% of imports.
Japanese orange exports are negligible, around 30 MT in 2023–24.
See the full USDA FAS report on Japanese citrus here.
Source: USDA FAS
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