Those involved with the University of Georgia (UGA) citrus research plot in Valdosta are often asked what they do with the fruit once it is harvested. All of the citrus is donated to various groups, reports the team of Jake Price, Mary Sutton, Doug Collins, Jacob Kalina, Josh Dawson, Holly Anderson, Michasia Dowdy, Sara Curry, Ben Reeves, Tucker Price and Justin Shealey.
The majority of the fruit goes to Second Harvest of South Georgia. Each year, thousands of pounds of citrus are picked and delivered to Second Harvest. This year, the satsumas from the pruning trial were very slow to turn orange, but Second Harvest was still glad to get the donation. This works out well because there is always a demand for food around Thanksgiving.
In January, the team was able to deliver a couple thousand pounds of Tangos to Second Harvest for the first time. In addition to Second Harvest, the fruit is also taken to Sam’s Barbecue. Sam prepares meals for the community annually for Thanksgiving. Read more about the Thanksgiving meals prepared by Sam’s Barbecue.
Fruit is also donated to Lowndes Associated Ministries to People (LAMP) in Valdosta. LAMP provides meals and shelter for the homeless and serves eight counties in the surrounding area.
In addition, a donation is given to the J.L. Lomax Elementary School lunchroom, where they serve the fruit to the students. The UGA team also makes sure the faculty and staff at Lomax have plenty of citrus as they are gracious enough to let UGA have the citrus plot at their school.
Plenty of citrus is also delivered to county supporters. All the fruit cannot be picked without a top-notch picking crew. Without them, the team could not donate fruit and obtain yield data.
Source: UGA
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