
Not If Georgia Will Get HLB, But When

Daniel CooperGeorgia


Citrus greening disease, also known as huanglongbing (HLB), is not yet widespread in Georgia. However, there’s no reason to think that it won’t become more of a problem for the state’s citrus growers.

Lindy Savelle, executive director of the Georgia Citrus Association (GCA), hopes it doesn’t happen but cautions growers about the disease’s potential beyond Florida.

“Something we have to be cautious about here in Georgia, and nobody wants to hear about HLB in Georgia, but it’s not if we’re going to get it, it’s when we’re going to get it,” said Savelle, who discussed the disease during the Georgia Citrus Association’s annual meeting on Feb. 25.

“You don’t want to have a conference be doom and gloom because we are the place where citrus is positive. Georgia is positive about citrus,” she said. “You’ve heard speakers say already, we’ve got good soil, great weather and all of those positive things. But reality can strike at any moment. We could get citrus greening in massive amounts here.”

Citrus greening affects citrus production across the globe. Symptoms include asymmetrical yellowing of the leaves and leaf veins. Later symptoms include twig dieback and decreased yields. Fruit is often small, lopsided and not marketable. Fruit drop can also occur.

As a longstanding leader of Georgia’s citrus industry, Savelle wants to help fellow growers implement a plan of action if the disease finds more of a footing in Georgia’s groves. Part of that plan is knowing how other states are combating the disease.

“We’re going to offer to our growers, membership and anybody that wants to join us a visit to California to see groves, a packing plant, a juicing facility and nurseries. We’ll see what they’re doing out there and get briefed about what is working,” Savelle said. “We are more akin to California than we are to Florida.”

Savelle expects the GCA’s trip to California will occur in mid-April. More details are coming soon.

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Clint Thompson

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