New CRDF Leader Discusses HLB Battle

Ernie NeffCRDF, HLB Management

Moments after being chosen on July 24 as the next chief operations officer of the Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF), Rick Dantzler declared the industry will “whip” HLB. He chose Aug. 15 as his first day of work so he can meet many growers at Citrus Expo. “I wanted my first day on the job to be with citrus …


CRDF Finalizes Grower Communication Plan

Ernie NeffCRDF

At its recent May meeting, the Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) finalized a communication plan that will attempt to make the organization’s information more easily available to growers and others. Ned Hancock, chairman of the CRDF communications subcommittee, reports. “One of the key elements is we’re going to revamp our website. We’re going to try to make it extremely …