Sweet New Discoveries Open Up Opportunities for Citrus Industry

Josh McGillFlavor, Research

By Xixuan Tang, Yu Wang, Fred Gmitter and Jude Grosser Citrus fruits and juices are commonly consumed worldwide due to their health benefits and flavor. However, recent trends in reducing carbohydrate intake have raised concerns from consumers about citrus products because of their relatively high levels of sugar content. This concern discourages repeat purchasing and consumption of citrus fruits and …

New Sugar Substitutes Found in Citrus

Josh McGillFlavor, Research

Researchers at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) have discovered new, natural sweeteners in citrus for the first time. This finding opens opportunities for the food industry to produce food and beverages with lower sugar content and lower calories while maintaining sweetness and taste using natural products. Yu Wang, associate professor of food science at …