Citrus State of the Industry Survey

There’s a lot going on in Florida citrus. New trunk-injection therapies have been approved to treat HLB as groves bounce back from last year’s hurricanes. 

It’s a good time to get a sense of the mood of growers as we start the new season. If you are a grower or a consultant/caretaker (who can answer generally on behalf of your growers), we’d like to ask you to take a few moments to respond to this brief survey. It won’t take a lot of your time, and your input will provide valuable insights on the state of Florida’s citrus industry.

We thank you for your participation and appreciate C-Green-Ag Biotechnology, makers of CYAN 365, for sponsoring this year’s survey!

NOTE: Survey results will only be published in aggregate. Your individual results will not be published.

Thanks again!

Frank Giles
Editor in Chief
AgNet Media, Inc.