Sneak Peek: June Citrus Industry Magazine

Josh McGillCitrus

coverThe June issue of Citrus Industry magazine is coming soon. This edition is all about citrus beyond the Sunshine State. Readers will notice a new column in the magazine, called Global Perspectives, authored by a Brazilian citrus expert, Marcos Fava Neves.

Ernie Neff, senior correspondent at large, examines the citrus industries in California and Texas. His articles include both challenges and opportunities for those states’ citrus growers.

Evan Johnson’s article takes a look at what’s working for HLB in Brazil and lessons Florida can use.

Additional features in the June issue include pruning to rehabilitate HLB-affected sweet orange trees and a status update on pomegranates in Florida.

Finally, readers won’t want to miss a special preview section on the 25th anniversary of Citrus Expo. The event is scheduled to take place August 17-18 at the Lee Civic Center in North Fort Myers.

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Tacy Callies
