October 2016 Citrus Industry Magazine Sneak Peek

Tacy CalliesCitrus

The October issue of Citrus Industry magazine is coming soon to your mailbox or in box! Many readers will recognize the subject of this issue’s cover story. Allen Morris has played several roles in Florida’s citrus industry during the past three decades. You may know Morris as an economist, business consultant, marketer or author. He shares his views on current industry issues in the October cover story.

If you are a citrus grower looking to establish a new grove, you won’t want to miss Ute Albrecht’s article, “From planning to planting: establishing new groves in the presence of HLB.” She offers advice on critical considerations, including tree selection, site preparation and planting, irrigation, nutrition and pest control.

Other University of Florida (UF) research articles in this issue cover control of stem-end rot of fresh citrus as well as sensory and consumer studies for improving citrus quality.

Citrus Extension agent Steve Futch reports on a recent Florida grower trip to Brazil and shares lessons learned on HLB management.

Finally, if you’ve wondered what the difference is between genetic engineering and gene editing, UF’s Kevin Folta explains these terms in easy-to-understand language and discusses how these concepts can benefit agriculture.

Subscribe to Citrus Industry magazine here.

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Tacy Callies
