Sneak Peek: November 2016 Citrus Industry Magazine

Tacy CalliesCitrus

The November issue of Citrus Industry magazine will be available to readers soon.

It features the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s initial citrus crop forecast for the 2016–17 season. The article includes coverage of the grower gathering at the Dark Hammock Legacy Ranch and industry reactions to the 70 million orange boxes figure.

Two features in this issue focus on citrus undercover production systems, from both researcher and grower perspectives.

Citrus health management areas, also called CHMAs, have proven to be an effective strategy for psyllid control, so why isn’t there more grower participation? Read the CHMA article in the November issue to find the answer.

Business management is also a focus for the November edition. Learn what advice experts at the Florida Agriculture Financial Management Conference gave on the subject of transitioning the farm to the next generation. You may have heard the term “big data” used when it comes to precision farming, but what does it really mean and how can it benefit citrus growers? Find out in the November issue.

Finally, growers in need of a Core continuing education unit (CEU) to renew their restricted-use pesticide license can read the latest CEU Central feature, “Harmful effects of pesticides and emergency response.” After reading this article, visit to complete the CEU test.

Find all of these features and more in the November 2016 issue of Citrus Industry magazine, coming soon!

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Tacy Callies
