Replant incentives

Citrus Grower: Tree Replant Incentives Are Beneficial

Ernie NeffHLB Management, Irrigation, Water

Replant incentives

Hoss Morgan

State and federal programs giving citrus growers incentives to replant and a state program designed to eliminate abandoned groves were discussed at a November 1 workshop in Lakeland. The program was hosted by Florida Citrus Mutual. Grower James “Hoss” Morgan, procurement director for Wm. G. Roe & Sons, Inc., likes the programs.

“All three of these are very beneficial if you’re willing to work within their parameters,” Morgan says. “I do think they’re all workable.” He responds to some grower comments about the short deadline for getting work completed under one program: “If you wait until it’s convenient, it’ll never happen. You have to start somewhere.”

“If you put up a good fight, if you stay on top of technology … the survivors will make money,” Morgan concludes.

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Ernie Neff

Senior Correspondent at Large