Sneak Peek: February 2017 Citrus Industry Magazine

Tacy CalliesCitrus

February 2017 Citrus Industry Magazine

February 2017 Citrus Industry magazine

Pest management is the theme of the February 2017 issue of Citrus Industry magazine.

University of Florida entomologist Phil Stansly is featured in the cover story. Stansly has been helping growers control Asian citrus psyllids (ACP) since HLB first appeared in Florida. Learn more about his history of HLB work and what he is currently focusing on in the profile written by Ernie Neff.

Stansly is also a co-author this month of an article about seasonal ACP control strategies for both young and mature trees. The article includes a comprehensive listing of potential choices of insecticides for growers.

Our new California Corner feature also tackles the topic of ACP management. University of California researchers report that biocontrol of ACP and other citrus pests can be improved by controlling Argentine ants.

Another pest control topic covered in this issue is entomopathogenic nematodes for root weevil management. University of Florida professor Larry Duncan shares research results and discusses effective use of a newly available product for citrus growers.

The February issue also includes an article on pesticides and the environment good for one core continuing education unit, as well as a preview of high-tech ag applications on the horizon.

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Tacy Callies
