Georgia Citrus Association Holds First Annual Meeting

Kayla MercerCitrus

The Georgia Citrus Association held its first annual meeting in Tifton, Georgia today. The association’s president, Lindy Savelle, said the meeting was a huge success.

The Georgia Citrus Association began in October with 27 members. Since then, the association has grown. Savelle says that there were over 275 people in attendance for the meeting. There were also 21 vendors and sponsors and seven speakers. “It’s just been a phenomenal day,” she said.

Savelle says that the Georgia citrus industry is growing exponentially. “That comes a lot from farmers and people that are in the farming industry looking for an alternative crop, something that’s sustainable, but an alternative niche,” she explained. According to Savelle, there are benefits that come with citrus farming, including cost-effective production. Another benefit of citrus production is that it is suitable for all levels of experience and can be grown on a small scale or a larger scale.

Savelle says the new industry will not only help Georgia agriculture, but also the Georgia economy. She added that the commissioner of the Georgia Department of Agriculture is supportive of the increasing interest in citrus because he would like to see the industry continue to expand in the state.

Georgia citrus stands out, says Savelle, because the weather conditions create a sweeter product. “It’s just the uniqueness of what we grow up here,” she said.

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