
Sales Tax Rebate for Growers Who Suffered Hurricane Damage

Daniel Cooperhurricane, Industry News Release

salex taxThe Florida Legislature and Governor Rick Scott have approved a sales tax rebate program for agricultural producers and growers who suffered damages due to Hurricane Irma.

Florida Farm Bureau has offered a dedicated webpage as a resource to farmers and ranchers who can take advantage of this opportunity at

On March 23, Governor Rick Scott signed a sales tax rebate for those who have suffered damage from Hurricane Irma. The rules have not been finalized, but Florida Farm Bureau will provide updates on how to get this valuable rebate. The sales tax rebate will apply to the following:

• A refund of sales taxes paid on select fencing materials used to repair agricultural fencing between Sept. 10, 2017, and May 31, 2018 ($8.8 million).
• A refund of sales taxes paid on select building materials used to repair non-residential farm buildings between Sept. 10, 2017, and May 31, 2018 ($2.7 million).
• A refund for state and local fuel taxes imposed on motor fuel and diesel used for the transportation of agricultural products from the farm to a processing or packaging facility between Sept. 10, 2017, and June 30, 2018 ($3.7 million).
• An assessment at salvage value on tangible personal property owned and operated by a citrus fruit packing or processing facility sitting idle due to lower production as a result of Hurricane Irma ($13.1 million).
• Agricultural land not in production due to hurricane damage will retain its Greenbelt classification for up to five years as long as the land is not used for a non-agricultural use ($1.3 million).

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