Sneak Peek: November 2018 Citrus Industry Magazine

Tacy CalliesSneak Peek

NovemberGrowers looking for good news will find it in the November issue of Citrus Industry magazine. The positive news begins with the prediction that Florida is on pace to increase orange production by 76 percent this season. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s initial citrus crop forecast is the subject of the issue’s cover story. Industry members share their reactions to the 79 million boxes of oranges predicted for Florida.

Also, in the November issue are two University of Florida-authored articles on production practices that have proven positive for growing citrus. These practices include high-density plantings and the use of citrus under protective screen (CUPS). Learn what densities and treatments led to the best results for oranges and grapefruit. In the CUPS article, scientists discuss structural improvements made after Hurricane Irma and share data on increasing grapefruit yields.

There’s more good news for citrus growers in California. So far, they have managed to successfully keep HLB out of their commercial groves. In the California Corner article, find out what strategies are keeping HLB at bay.

One last positive piece not to be missed in the November issue is an article that grants a free continuing education unit (CEU) toward the renewal of a Florida restricted-use pesticide license. Read the article on pesticide application methods, pass the accompanying test, and you’ll earn one CEU in the Core category.

Find all of these articles and more, coming soon in the November issue of Citrus Industry magazine.

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About the Author

Tacy Callies

Editor of Citrus Industry magazine