By Brenda Eubanks Burnette

In 1937, the Florida Citrus Commission released a booklet titled “How to Get the Most Out of Life,” by etiquette guru Emily Post. It included snippets of wisdom along with numerous plugs for the Florida citrus industry. The first page notes that “Brides Wear Orange Blossoms — because these fragrant, exquisite blossoms, in their flawless purity, symbolize the pure loveliness of a maiden bride.”
In the chapter “Look Your Most Charming Self,” the section called “Skin beauty diet” caught my eye. It advised the reader as follows:
“Skin beauty comes from the inside. The most expensive facials, the finest cosmetics, are handicapped unless your skin is clear and healthy … unless the texture is fine, free of coarse, laden pores, eruptions and other blemishes.
“If you have reduced [weight] or built up by the citrus method, you will notice a great improvement in skin. But here is a more intensive treatment to perfect skin loveliness. If you are home,try it any time — if a business woman, do it over a long weekend.

“Replace your usual luncheon and dinner foods with fresh vegetable or fruit salads — no dressing. And drink all the fresh grapefruit juice you possibly can. Take smaller portions frequently instead of a larger quantity now and then. This is the system used for babies — frequent feedings. This method also helps to eliminate a sense of hunger. The high liquid content washes the system thoroughly. Even one day of this treatment is helpful, but continue for two or three if you can. Your whole body will benefit, especially your skin. When you have completed this plan, go back to your normal diet, being sure you get at least ten glasses of liquid daily — four of fresh grapefruit juice, six of water.”
Sound advice both then and now — so raise a glass (or four!) of Florida grapefruit juice to perfecting beautiful skin!

Brenda Eubanks Burnette is executive director of the Florida Citrus Hall of Fame. Pieces of the Past is presented in partnership with Florida Southern College’s McKay Archives Center in Lakeland.
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