Students Learn About Citrus at Youth Day

Ernie NeffCitrus

Jazlyn Sanchez and Alexander Garzon, attendees at the June Citrus Youth Day, talk with Citrus Industry Editor Tacy Callies about their experience. The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences event was held at the Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred.

youth day
Jazlyn Sanchez

“This is actually my third year at the event,” says Sanchez, a 10th grader. “I’m a part of the citrus project in my 4-H club, so I was interested in learning more about citrus.” But she thinks her career will be working with animals rather than plants. “I’m real interested in animal science, so I want to be a veterinarian,” she says.

“It was just overall a great event, and I’m excited to come back next year,” Sanchez says.

Alexander Garzon

This was the second year that Garzon attended Citrus Youth Day. “I was happy to come this year. I had lots of fun and I learned a lot of new things this year,” the 9th grader says. “I enjoyed the entomology class because I learned a lot about the insects.” He says he also learned about soil “and how to find nutritional values in the soil and the importance of different kinds of soils for different kinds of nutrients.”

Garzon says he hasn’t thought much about a career yet, “but maybe something with entomology or citrus.”

Hear more from Sanchez and Garzon:

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Ernie Neff

Senior Correspondent at Large