Sweet Season for Australian Citrus

Tacy Calliessales


Research conducted by Citrus Australia indicates dry conditions last year leading into this season’s harvest, which is underway in all states, has led to sweeter, juicier fruit.

“There are fresh, Australian grown, juicy oranges and mandarins, and really flavorsome lemons, limes and grapefruit in stores across the country now,” said Citrus Australia CEO Nathan Hancock. “All citrus varieties are packed with vitamin C, which helps boost your immunity against colds and flu leading into the winter. One orange, mandarin or lemon contains your entire daily recommended intake of vitamin C, as well as antioxidants and fiber necessary for a healthy body.”

Australian retailers have reported strong sales of all citrus varieties this year. Hancock attributed this to the taste, nutritional value and versatility of the fruits. Similarly, strong citrus sales have been reported in the United States.

“We know kids love snacking on mandarins. They are easy to peel, seedless and naturally sweet,” said Hancock. “Oranges provide another great snack for the family. The peelable skin can be easily removed at home and simple orange slices are easy to snack on.”

Hancock said lemons and limes are becoming increasingly popular as natural flavors to add to hot and cold drinks, with many chefs also utilizing lemon as an alternative to salt when cooking.

“Australian consumers have countless reasons why they love Australian grown citrus and they can be assured there will be plenty of high-quality Aussie oranges, mandarins, lemons, limes and grapefruit all year. Our growers and packers all around the country are working hard right now, picking the best fruit in the world and getting it to a store near you. It’s satisfying for them to see great demand and appreciation for Australian grown citrus.”

Source: Citrus Australia