U.S. Citrus Production Declines

Ernie NeffProduction

citrus production

Citrus utilized production in the United States for the 2019-20 season totaled 7.78 million tons, down 4 percent from the 2018-19 season. The production figures come from the Citrus Fruits 2020 Summary, a U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service document.

California accounted for 54 percent of total U.S. citrus; Florida totaled 42 percent, and Texas and Arizona produced the remaining 4 percent.

Utilized citrus production in California was down 2 percent from the 2018-19 season. California produced 53.3 million boxes of oranges, which is 2 percent more than in the previous season. Grapefruit production is down 10 percent from the 2018-19 season. Tangerines and mandarins are down 17 percent.

Florida’s total citrus utilization was down 5 percent from the previous season. Florida produced 67.3 million boxes of oranges, down 6 percent from the previous season. Grapefruit utilization in Florida, at 4.85 million boxes, is up 8 percent from last season’s utilization. Bearing citrus acreage, at 380,500 acres, is 6,600 acres below the 2018-19 season.

The utilized citrus crop in Texas is down 33 percent from the 2018-19 season. Oranges are down 46 percent from the previous season, and grapefruit is down 28 percent.

Arizona’s lemon production is up 33 percent.

The value of the 2019-20 U.S. citrus crop was down slightly from last season, to $3.4 billion (packinghouse-door equivalent). Orange value of production decreased 3 percent from last season, and grapefruit value is down 2 percent. Tangerine and mandarin value of production is up 16 percent from last season, but lemon value of production is down 8 percent. See more information on the value of the Florida citrus crop here.

View the complete Citrus Fruits 2020 Summary document.

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service

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