Maintaining Orange Juice Momentum

Ernie NeffOrange Juice

orange juice

The Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) normally launches minimal programs during the first quarter of the fiscal year and instead focuses on strategic planning. This year, though, in order to continue to build upon the momentum of 2019-20, the FDOC and its advertising agency, Edible, launched a robust campaign to drive sales of 100 percent orange juice (OJ) at retail. The campaign utilized e-commerce, social media, paid media, influencer engagement and earned media.

At the Sept. 16 Florida Citrus Commission meeting, Samantha Lane, FDOC director of global marketing, provided an overview of activities conducted since July.

The campaign included a focus on “Back to School” messaging that highlighted the nutritional benefits of orange juice to support brain health and the immune system. Activations included video content and influencer partnerships about how to incorporate OJ into the back-to-school routine. There was also a Florida OJ Teacher’s Kit to engage teacher’s through a social media sweepstakes.

Jackie Hopkins, of Edible, presented ways the FDOC incorporated key learnings from the 2019-20 e-commerce campaign to continue to reach lapsed OJ buyers in 2020. Since June, the campaign has reached 65.2 million impressions and driven $1.7 million in attributed sales of 100 percent OJ.

The shift in consumer behavior resulting from COVID-19 has several implications for the 2020-21 plan to drive sales of OJ. E-commerce remains the focus of the campaign, as consumers continue to turn to digital avenues to purchase grocery items. Health and wellness continue to be top of mind among consumers, and working and entertaining at home have become the new norm.

The 2020-21 campaign aims to reach 750 million impressions and drive $10 million in attributed sales of 100 percent OJ. The e-commerce strategy includes leveraging existing partners at Instacart and Walmart as well as exploring opportunities with Kroger. The FDOC will reach consumers through social media, retail partner platforms, through paid display and video channels, SEO and web.

Additionally, the 2020-21 plan includes issues management programs to protect Florida citrus and promote positive news. These programs include media monitoring, issues support, proactive and reactive earned media that will leverage nutritional research, and trade shows and events.

The FDOC will also work with influencer partners, such as bloggers, who have large followings and serve as trusted voices to consumers. These influencers, ranging from lifestyle focused to nutrition experts, will help share positive messages about OJ and reach new audiences.

Learn more about recent strong orange juice and grapefruit juice sales.

Source: Florida Department of Citrus

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