Peru’s Mandarin Exports on the Rise

Tacy CalliesExport, International


By Francisco Seva Rivadulla

Peru’s mandarin growers are working to build on their export momentum and open new markets.

“Negotiations are well advanced with India. The technical part is already finished, such as the phytosanitary registration; only the administrative part is missing,” said Sergio Del Castillo, general manager of the Citrus Producers Association of Peru (ProCitrus). “SENASA (Peru’s National Agrarian Health Service) and ProCitrus are working to achieve entry of mandarins to the Philippines and Vietnam. An application has also been submitted for entry into Thailand.”

According to Oliver Huesmann, director of the international consulting firm Fruit Consulting and an expert in the Asian market, “The Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand are three very interesting markets for Peruvian mandarins, because they value quality and are willing to pay the price. They are countries with a great potential for consumption of citrus both from Peru and throughout Latin America.”

Peru’s Ministry of Agricultural Development and Irrigation reported that the country’s mandarin production reached 525,000 tons in 2020. Lima produced the most (44%), followed by Junin (24%), Ica (17%) and Puno (6%).

According to data provided by the Foreign Trade Research and Development Institute of the Lima Chamber of Commerce, last year’s mandarin exports totaled $250.4 million, an increase of 36% compared to the previous year.

Peru’s mandarin exports increased in 11 markets. The main destination was the United States, which grew by 52%. Exports to the Netherlands grew by 19%, Canada by 15%, China by 40% and Russia by 90%.

ProCitrus expects to export 280,000 tons of citrus this year, a 15% increase over last year.

“The keys to the success of Peruvian citrus are to boost its internationalization, develop intense promotion and marketing campaigns, and strengthen its brand image to consolidate its international prestige and develop the opening of more international markets,” concludes Huesmann.

Francisco Seva Rivadulla is an international agri-food journalist.

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