The Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) is reminding growers that participation in the Florida Citrus Recovery Block Grant (CRBG) requires the purchase of federal crop and/or tree insurance. The CRBG is available to growers who suffered crop damage due to Hurricane Irma in 2017.

The insurance must be bought for two years (Part 3, Option 1) or four years (Part 3, Option 2). Here’s more information from the FDEM:
Part 3, Option 2 allows applicants to be reimbursed for the minimum required producer-paid eligible premiums and administrative fees for crop year (CY) 2020 and CY2021. Insurance must be maintained for four consecutive crop years (CY2020, CY2021, CY2022 and CY2023).
Applicants participating in Part 3, Option 2 of the program must purchase CY 2023 insurance by April 15, 2022. CY2023 insurance is required to be eligible for the CY2021 premium and fee reimbursement. Contact an agent for more information.
CRBG applicants may enroll in several insurance policy options that meet or are equivalent to the minimum 60/100 insurance requirement for the block grant.
Eligible CY2021 premiums and fees will be reimbursed upon verification of all four years of insurance, including CY2023 insurance, and proof of payment of the CY2021 premium and fees. Payments will be processed based upon availability of insurance verification data provided by the federal Risk Management Agency (RMA). It is anticipated that payments will be issued between August 2022 and February 2023.
To ensure the Part 3 payments are processed in accordance with the grant, provide the following via email as soon as possible:
- Applicant or entity name
- CRBG application number
- Insurance policy number for CY2023
- Proof of payment for CY2021/reinsurance year 2020 insurance (i.e., front and back of canceled check, credit card statement or bank statement), if not previously provided
- Proof of payment for whole farm insurance for reinsurance year 2020, if applicable and not previously provided.
This documentation may be submitted by mail to:
Florida Division of Emergency Management
Citrus Recovery Block Grant
Attn: Misael Lugo
2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Source: Florida Citrus Mutual