The Feb. 11 citrus crop forecast, as reported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA NASS), shows both decreases and an increase for Florida when compared to the January forecast. LESS ORANGESThe 2024–25 Florida orange forecast is 11.5 million boxes, down 500,000 boxes, or 4%, from the January forecast. If realized, this will be 36% less …
Florida Citrus Decline: Frustrations and Solutions
A recent Florida TaxWatch report detailed the reasons for the decline of the Florida citrus industry. The report also described frustrations with efforts to combat citrus greening and suggested solutions for the industry’s decline. Edited excerpts from that portion of the report follow: Prominent citrus growers stated they are still optimistic about the future as many citrus entities are investing …
Florida Citrus Decline Detailed
A December Florida TaxWatch report, The Continuing Decline of Florida’s Citrus Industry, highlights the causes of the industry’s demise in recent decades. Edited excerpts follow: In the last 20 years, Florida’s total citrus production has decreased by more than 90%, from around 300 million boxes in 2003–04 to just 20 million boxes in 2023–24. The 2022–23 season was the worst …
Florida Land Protection Program Accepting Applications
The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) announced the opening of an application cycle for landowners to apply to the Rural and Family Lands Protection Program. The program partners with farmers and ranchers through rural lands protection easements to preserve working agricultural operations. Landowners can submit applications online through Jan 29, 2025. FDACS will then review the applications …
Florida Citrus Forecasts Tumble
Federal forecasts for Florida citrus production tumbled Dec. 10, led by a 20% decrease in oranges compared to the initial October forecast. The declines primarily reflect damage from Hurricane Milton, which was not accounted for in the initial forecast. The 2024–25 season forecasts for all other citrus-producing states were unchanged from October. The Dec. 10 Florida forecasts by variety are …
Florida Growers Reminded to Complete State of Industry Survey
The 2024 Florida Citrus State of the Industry Survey will provide a current view of the status of the state’s citrus industry. Among the topics covered in this year’s survey are hurricane impacts and the use of trunk-injection therapies to improve the health of HLB-infected trees. If you are a grower or a consultant/caretaker (who can answer generally on behalf …
Florida Researchers Visit Brazil’s Citrus Industry
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus researcher Fernando Alferez recently visited Brazil’s Fundecitrus, as well as orchards and experiments in Brazil’s citrus region. Alferez, an associate professor of horticulture at the Southwest Florida Research and Education Center, was accompanied by researchers from Fundecitrus and Embrapa Cassava & Fruits. The project coordinator of Florida’s Citrus Research …
Dundee Citrus Growers Association Celebrates 100 Years
Dundee Citrus Growers Association has struggled with the same major setbacks as the rest of Florida’s citrus industry, including multiple freezes in the 1980s and HLB in this century. But Dundee, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary, has not only survived but has become the state’s largest citrus cooperative. A recent video recounts the association’s history, focusing on the growth, …
Citrus Administrative Committee Seeks New Member
The Citrus Administrative Committee (CAC) is actively seeking nominations for a new committee member to complete a two-year term ending August 2026. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service policy is that the diversity of the board should reflect the diversity of its industries in experience of members, methods of production and distribution, marketing strategies and other distinguishing factors …
Florida Legislators Seek Hurricane Aid
U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Florida members of Congress recently urged Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack to ensure Florida farmers get critical aid and policy flexibilities as they recover from Hurricanes Helene and Milton. “These back-to-back major hurricanes have decimated Florida agriculture, our state’s second largest industry,” the Florida legislators’ letter to Vilsack stated. “According to the Florida Department …
Florida Citrus Gained Ground in 2023–24
The value and production of Florida citrus both rose in the 2023–24 season. The $221 million preliminary on-tree value of the 2023–24 crop is 6% more than the $208 million revised value for 2022–23. All citrus production in 2023–24 is 20.2 million boxes, up 12% from the previous season’s 18.1 million boxes. The figures were reported in the 2023–24 Citrus …
Seeking Centennial Growers and Production Costs
Florida Citrus Mutual (FCM) is seeking information about centennial growers — families that have been in the citrus business 100 years or more — so it can honor them. The statewide grower organization is also asking growers to participate in surveys that will determine the cost of production of Florida fresh grapefruit and processed oranges. CENTENNIAL GROWERS FCM wants to …
Citrus Nutrient Management Recommendations Continue to Evolve
When HLB arrived in Florida, it changed the world for citrus growers, and a lot of other things had to change with it. One of the biggest changes has been how growers manage their fertilizer programs. The nutrient recommendations that had been developed by the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) before HLB became outdated because …
Seeking the Finest of the Florida Citrus Industry
Nominations are being sought by Nov. 1 for potential inductees to the Florida Citrus Hall of Fame. Eligible nominees are distinguished leaders who have made significant contributions to the Florida citrus industry in any of the following fields: pioneering, harvesting, packing, processing, marketing, science or education. Nomination forms are available by contacting Florida Citrus Hall of Fame Executive Director Brenda …
Drop in Florida Citrus Acreage
The 2024 Commercial Citrus Inventory for Florida shows total citrus acreage of 274,705 acres, down 17% from the 2023 annual survey. The net loss of 57,551 acres is 14,505 acres more than was lost the previous year. New plantings at 4,751 acres are down from 2023, when 6,203 acres were planted. The inventory was released Aug. 29 by the U.S. …
Citrus Black Spot Policies for Florida Modified
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS) recently modified the policies and requirements for the citrus black spot (CBS) quarantine area in Florida. Modifications address the movement of regulated articles and provide a protocol to remove areas from the CBS quarantine. This federal order updates the APHIS-Approved Packinghouse Procedures for Phyllosticta citricarpa, Causal Agent …
Finger Lime Research Results
A recent University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) document reported results of research about Florida finger lime storage temperatures and coatings. “Postharvest Changes That Occur in Finger Limes at Chilling and Non-Chilling Temperatures” was written by Moshe Doron, Faisal Shahzad and Jeff Brecht. The document notes that finger limes, like other citrus fruits, cannot continue ripening …
Grants to Help Florida Growers Strengthen Infrastructure
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Marketing Service (USDA/AMS) recently announced it has a cooperative agreement with Florida under the Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure Program (RFSI). Through this agreement, USDA and Florida are offering more than $8 million in competitive grant funding for projects designed to build resilience across the middle of the supply chain. Florida is accepting applications for …
Grove Conservation Easement Expands Panther Habitat
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA NRCS) and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in Florida have purchased a conservation easement at G Road Grove, a citrus grove and tree nursery in Florida panther habitat. G Road Grove expands the protected area within the Florida Panther Dispersal Zone, a 30,000-acre corridor in Hendry and Glades counties. The …
New Highlands County Agent’s Duties Include Citrus
Alissa Hevesh on June 17 became the new Highlands County agriculture production/natural resources Extension agent. The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences position includes citrus agent duties. Hevesh received a dual bachelor’s degree in economics and environmental studies and a minor in leadership studies from Eckerd College in 2018. She received a master’s degree in food and …