Increased attention on nutrition has become part of the overall strategy for managing HLB. The April issue of Citrus Industry magazine includes several articles on nutrient management designed to help growers keep trees productive in the HLB era.
Mandarin growers will want to take note of new University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) research on how foliar potassium and boron can improve yield and quality. An article by Tripti Vashisth and Faisal Shahzad shares study results on three different nutrient treatments on Tango mandarins.
HLB has changed many production practices, including nutrient application rates and timing as well as soil pH management. Kelly Morgan and Davie Kadyampakeni offer current advice on these topics in their article on phosphorus recommendations and soil pH amendments.

Another article, by Kadyampakeni and Evan Johnson, takes a look at integrated use of nutrition and crop protection products. Research on psyllid and other pest control products used in conjunction with soil-applied micronutrients shows promising results for yield, juice quality, root growth and canopy density.
Citrus grower and consultant Brad Turner shares lessons he has learned on nutrition from the field and the wild. Using less inputs, achieving mineral balance and increasing soil health are some of the topics he addresses.
Besides nutrient management articles, the April issue includes a feature on supply, demand and processed orange prices. Readers will also see who the new Miss Florida Citrus is and learn ways to deal with diaprepes root weevil.
All these articles and more are coming soon in the April issue of Citrus Industry. To subscribe to the magazine, sign up here.

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