A total of 54 agricultural organizations have voiced concern regarding the possibility of a detrimental precedent being set. A letter was sent to President Joe Biden outlining concerns related to an amicus brief that was recently submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS). In the brief, Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar advises SCOTUS against hearing a case related to glyphosate and labeling regulations. The coalition of ag groups includes the American Farm Bureau Federation, California Citrus Mutual, Florida Fertilizer & Agrichemical Association and Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association. The coalition warns of significant repercussions if the case is not heard.

“We are concerned this monumental change in the federal government’s policy will not just threaten science-based regulation, but it risks undercutting food production and important environmental practices at a time when we cannot afford to hinder either,” the letter states. “We strongly urge you to withdraw the brief establishing this new policy, fully considering the implications it holds for global food security, environmental sustainability, and the future of science-based regulation.”
The issue stems from the claim made by Edwin Hardeman that Roundup caused his cancer. Hardeman was awarded $25 million as a result, and Bayer has asked SCOTUS to review the decision. The Solicitor General has asserted that states such as California are within their right to implement pesticide labeling requirements, even if they run counter to federal standards. The ag groups note that because “nearly every pesticide regulatory body in the world, including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency” has found that glyphosate is not a carcinogen, labeling it as such would violate Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act rules pertaining to mislabeling.
The ag associations also highlight the potential for “an impractical patchwork of state pesticide labeling requirements” to limit access to much-needed tools. The coalition is asking President Biden to withdraw the brief and work with the U.S. Department of Agriculture to better understand the situation.
Source: AgNet West

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