
Apply for CRAFT Cycle 4

Josh McGillCRAFT, Research

The Citrus Research and Field Trial Foundation (CRAFT) is accepting applications online for Cycle 4 of the program. All applications must be received no later than 5 p.m. on Nov. 30, 2022.


CRAFT Cycle 4 will continue the practice established in Cycles 1–3 of partnering with Florida citrus growers to evaluate the effectiveness and economic feasibility of various HLB mitigation strategies in large-scale, real-world commercial settings.  Approved projects will be eligible for payments of no less than $3,500 per acre for solid set plantings and $1,080 per acre for reset plantings.

CRAFT has established a list of factors of interest that includes areas of focus that are considered of higher interest for Cycle 4. The factors are rootstock and scion combinations, nutrition, pest management, biostimulants and resets. The factors of interest list is not all-inclusive, and growers are encouraged to submit all project applications that they believe may be beneficial in the fight against HLB.

Funding guidelines for Cycle 4 require that at least 50% of all dollars spent be allocated to “small” growers owning less than 2,500 acres of grove land. Through Cycles 1–3, CRAFT has allocated approximately 64% of funds to small growers. In an effort to ensure that smaller growers continue to have an opportunity to participate, the CRAFT board of directors will consider projects of at least 5 acres. It may opt to waive the program minimum requirement of 20 acres on a case-by-case basis.  

Additional information about Cycle 4 can be found here. More information is also available from CRAFT Program Manager Tamara Wood at 863-698-9276 or Assistant Program Manager Tina Buice at 863-214-3731.

Growers with existing projects in CRAFT Cycles 1–3 that sustained damage from Hurricane Ian should contact Wood as soon as possible. 

Early this year, several growers discussed the projects they are conducting with CRAFT funding. Learn about their projects here.

Source: CRAFT 

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