California Oranges Shipped to Korea Require Treatment

Josh McGillCalifornia Corner, Regulation

The California Citrus Quality Council (CCQC) is reminding California orange packinghouses that the first preharvest field application of zinc-copper-lime — or a registered alternative — is required for all orange blocks eligible to ship to Korea this season. These fungicide applications are protective treatments for management of Septoria spot. The treatment should be applied between Oct. 15 and Nov. 30.  Zinc-copper-lime or registered alternatives should be applied prior to winter rains.

Registered alternatives to zinc-copper-lime include Quadris Top (azoxystrobin and difenoconazole), Abound(azoxystrobin) and other fungicides such as Priaxor (fluxapyroxad and pyraclostrobin) or Luna Sensation (fluopyram and trifloxystrobin). These alternatives are also highly effective and should be applied in November. Each of these alternatives can be used in rotation with zinc-copper-lime treatments if additional applications of fungicides are needed.

The timing for second and third applications of fungicide treatments will be based on forecasted weather and the subsequent risk. Depending on the risk assessment, additional applications may be necessary during the winter and early spring.

Other important information to note:

  • If a lot will be considered for export to China, the first fungicide application must be a copper fungicide. Alternatives can be used for the second or third spray if needed, and this program will comply with both Korea and China export protocols.
  • All packinghouses shipping to Korea are required by U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service to affirm they are implementing the three requirements for Fuller rose beetle control.
  • Packinghouses must keep a signed copy of affirmation letters for both Septoria and Fuller rose beetle compliance.
  • Orange samples can be dropped off at the California Navel and Valencia Exports to Korea (NAVEK) lab. Drop off hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday. When submitting samples to the NAVEK lab, use the electronic NAVEK form.

For additional Septoria management treatment options, Good Agricultural Practices guidance and affirmation letters for Septoria and Fuller rose beetle compliance, visit the CCQC website. Questions can be addressed to CCQC President James R. Cranney at 530-885-1894.

Source: California Citrus Mutual

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