Protect Your Groves From Citrus Leafminer

Josh McGillSponsored Content

Citrus Leafminer
Healthy citrus fruit in FL.

The citrus leafminer is a small, hard-to-detect pest that hides during the day and comes out at night to lay its eggs. Though this pest is small, it’s been known to cause severe damage to FL citrus crops. Having a broad-spectrum insecticide at your fingertips could go a long way in protecting your crops.

While the citrus leafminer remains a challenging nuisance for FL citrus, it doesn’t have to spoil your yield and profit potential. During the larval stage, the pest feeds on young, newly expanding citrus leaves and creates tunnels, referred to as mines, that cause leaves to curl and distort. Though young trees are more susceptible to citrus leafminer, this pest does not discriminate against feeding on mature trees.

Researchers at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences have found populations of citrus leafminer are significantly lower during cooler temperatures, making early spring the perfect time to come up with a management plan before temperatures increase and populations of the pest rise.

The citrus leafminer is most vulnerable during its early larval stage, making it the optimal time for you to act before it has a chance to create serious damage to your citrus groves.

Minecto® Pro is a 1-stop-shop insecticide that can help manage populations of the citrus leafminer as well as Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) and other damaging citrus pests. By combining the strength of 2 active ingredients into a convenient premix formulation, Minecto Pro offers extended residual control of multiple pests with overlapping occurrence windows.

Citrus Leafminer
Minecto Pro offers control over potentially damaging populations of citrus leafminer.

Learn how Minecto Pro can help manage citrus leafminer in your crops. For additional information, reach out to your Syngenta representative.

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