Turkish production of mandarins/tangerines is forecast at 1.86 million metric tons (MMT) for 2022–23, up slightly from the previous season, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) reported. Prior season (2021–22) mandarin production was 1.81 MMT.

Mandarins were less impacted than other Turkish citrus by freezing temperatures during blossoming in March 2022, USDA FAS stated. Also, the yield in the Aegean region was very good, especially for the satsuma mandarins, the most widely produced mandarins in Turkey. Most of the country’s mandarins are produced in Hatay province, on the Mediterranean coast where the earthquake in February 2023 was especially devastating.
Although the yield per tree decreased in 2022–23, the bearing trees number increased, especially in the Aegean region. On the other hand, the biggest yield loss was in the Clementine and King varieties produced in the Mediterranean region.
Orchard areas of late- and early-ripening tangerine varieties are expanding in Turkey to extend the seasonal supplies for export markets.
Tangerine producers are struggling with rising input costs for fuel, electricity, fertilizer and crop protectants. Tangerines are reportedly the second most expensive fruit to produce, with producer costs allegedly up 528% in 2022.
The tangerine export forecast for 2022–23 is 990,000 metric tons (MT), the same as the previous season. Russia is still the biggest export market for Turkish tangerines.
Tangerines are the most heavily exported citrus fruit produced in Turkey. They are in high demand because they are easily peeled.
Turkey is one of the largest tangerine exporters in the world with $476 million of exports in 2021–22. The highest demand for Turkish tangerines is from Russia and Ukraine; 65% of total tangerine exports in 2021–22 were to Russia. Satsumas account for approximately half of total tangerine export revenues.
In 2022–23, Turkey’s tangerine imports are expected to total 55,700 MT, slightly more than in 2021–22, when the country imported 52,106 MT.
See the full USDA FAS report on Turkey citrus here.
Source: USDA FAS