
Global Mandarin Production Declining

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International, Mandarins

Global production of tangerines/mandarins for 2022–23 is estimated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) to be 36.9 million metric tons (MMT), down 900,000 metric tons (MT) from the prior year.

Photo by Anna Nekrashevich

China production, which accounts for almost 72% of global tangerine/mandarin production, is estimated to be down 2% to 26.5 MMT due to lower yields.

European Union production is estimated to be down 4% to 3 MMT as higher production in Greece due to favorable conditions during fruit set is not enough to offset lower production in Spain. The lower Spanish production is due to unfavorable warm temperatures during the summer.

Turkey production is estimated up slightly to 1.9 MMT as the bloom was less impacted than expected by freezing temperatures.

Morocco production is estimated to shrink 32% to 927,000 MT.

Japan production is estimated at 921,000 MT, down from 954,000 MT the prior year.

United States production is estimated up 23% to 819,000 MT due to favorable weather and higher yields in California.

South Africa production is estimated to rise 41,000 MT to a record 12-year high of 680,000 MT as good rainfall has led to sufficient water resources for irrigation in major production areas. There have also been an increasing number of new plantings reaching full production in South Africa.

South Korea production is estimated to be 595,000 MT, down from 613,000 MT the prior year. 

Peru production is estimated down 20,000 MT to 550,000 MT as a result of a delayed season and lower harvest of early-season varieties.

Argentina production is estimated at 285,000 MT, down from 380,000 MT the prior year.

Production from all remaining tangerine/mandarin-producing countries combined is estimated at 751,000 MT, up from 680,000 MT the prior year. 

See the full USDA FAS report on world citrus production in 2022–23.

Source: USDA FAS

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