HLB Treatment Approved in Florida

Josh McGillHLB Management, Industry News Release

Invaio Sciences in late August announced that its Trecise technology to deliver ArborBiotic for the suppression of HLB in oranges received approval from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. The approval came under section 24(c) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act.   

Invaio stated that the product’s closed-system design does not require drilling. Unlike conventional injection treatments, this minimally invasive system requires 90% less active ingredient as it delivers directly into the tree’s vascular system. Trials of the solution have shown an average yield increase of 30% after one treatment, as well as increased Brix and a reduction in fruit drop, the company added.

Because it applies active ingredients directly in the conductive tissues of the tree, the risks of misapplication and residues are reduced. The closed-system design also reduces risk of exposure to workers and the environment.

The product offers protection for young and non-bearing trees. It has a 120-day pre-harvest interval, which is 60 days shorter than conventional injection treatments.

Invaio noted that the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s June citrus forecast showed that orange production levels were at their lowest volume since World War II due to HLB. “This disease is especially devastating to Florida, where citrus growing is a vital part of the economy,” the company stated.

HLB, which leads to early fruit drop and other problems, was discovered in Florida in 2005. It has drastically reduced citrus production, citrus acreage and the number of citrus growers in the state.  

Many Florida citrus growers this year have begun injecting oxytetracycline hydrochloride into tree trunks to help manage HLB. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences researcher Ute Albrecht offered a list of best practices for oxytetracycline hydrochloride use during a Jan. 31 presentation in Immokalee.

Source: Invaio Sciences

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