Calling All Florida Citrus Growers for Survey

Josh McGillFlorida, Survey

Florida citrus

There’s a lot going on in Florida citrus. New trunk-injection therapies have been approved to treat HLB as groves bounce back from last year’s hurricanes.

It’s a good time to get a sense of the mood of growers as we start the new Florida citrus season. If you are a grower or a consultant/caretaker (who can answer generally on behalf of your growers), we’d like to ask you to take a few moments to respond to this brief survey. It won’t take a lot of your time, and your input will provide valuable insights on the state of Florida’s citrus industry.

Results from the survey will be published in the January and February issues of Citrus Industry magazine. One of the key topics of the survey is grower participation in applying new HLB therapies. The survey asks for observations on how these therapies are impacting tree health. In addition, the survey seeks to answer how many growers are planting new trees and which varieties and rootstocks seem to be the most popular. The survey also allows growers to provide comments on where they believe the industry stands today and going into the future.

We thank you for your participation and appreciate CYAN 365 for sponsoring this year’s survey!

NOTE: Survey results will only be published in aggregate. Your individual results will not be published.

Click here to take the survey.

About the Author

Frank Giles


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