Morocco Orange and OJ Production

Tacy CalliesCrop Forecast, International, Orange Juice

Photo by Maria Mileta

Orange and orange juice (OJ) production in Morocco are both projected to be higher in 2023–24 than in the previous year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS).

Orange production in 2023–24 is expected to increase by 5%, reaching 820,000 metric tons (MT). The increase is due to improved weather conditions during the growing season compared to the last year, coupled with an increased adoption of drip irrigation.

While this season’s production is better than the previous drought-affected year, it is still approximately 24% lower than in a favorable production year.

Weather conditions remain challenging, with ongoing drought and increasing temperatures adversely affecting orange production.

Orange exports for 2023-2024 are projected to reach 50,000 MT, a 25% increase over the prior year due to the availability of supplies. However, the 2023–24 export projection is still approximately 67% below the levels seen in a good year due to lower-than-average production and continued higher domestic prices.

Orange exports have declined due to intense competition from Egypt and attractive prices in the local market. In 2023–24, farmers are prioritizing the domestic market, influenced by the high costs of shipping and the strong competition posed by Egypt.

OJ production on a 65° Brix basis for 2023–24 is projected at 55,000 MT, 37% higher than the prior year. This is due to more available fruit for processing.

OJ exports are forecast to reach 3,000 MT, about 118 MT higher than in 2022–23.

Morocco is expected to import 2,000 MT of orange juice, a decrease of 934 MT from the previous year. Decreased imports reflect the domestic production increase.

See the full USDA FAS report on Morocco citrus for 2023–24 here.

Source: USDA FAS