Finger limes are liked by consumers and might be marketed to high-end food outlets, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researchers reported recently.
Speaking at a finger lime field day April 24 at the Citrus Research and Education Center, UF/IFAS data management analyst Fredy Ballen offered take-away messages from consumer/market research on the UF/IFAS-released SunLime finger lime:
- The cultivar is well regarded by consumers.
- It could pair with a variety of foods – more uses means a larger market.
- Initial marketing efforts could be aimed at high-end hotels, bars, restaurants and specialty stores.
- Selling points include antioxidant content and a wide variety of uses and flavor.
Ballen, who works at the UF/IFAS Tropical Research and Education Center in Homestead, based his presentation on food industry feedback and consumer evaluations. Industry feedback came from 134 participants in the production, supply chain, marketing, management, food service, retail and other food industry segments. Consumer evaluations were from 573 surveys completed by participants at several festivals.
More than 82% of the industry participants rated the color, overall flavor, acidity level and appearance of the SunLime as good or very good. Color was rated good or very good by 89% of participants. Color was followed by overall flavor (88%), acidity level (83%) and appearance (83%). Juiciness was rated good or very good by 76% of participants.
Consumer evaluations were similar to industry feedback, with color, overall flavor and appearance all rated good or very good by more than 81% of the consumers. Those factors were followed by juiciness (about 74%) and acidity level (about 72%).
More than 250 of the 573 consumers surveyed indicated they would likely buy the SunLime; approximately 145 said they would very likely buy it. About 110 were neutral on buying; and about 50 said they were unlikely or very unlikely to buy it.
More than 35% of industry participants suggested high-end restaurants and bars as marketing outlets for SunLime. More than 30% suggested marketing in high end retail/specialty stores; about 15% in traditional supermarkets and about 10% in family-style restaurants. Less than 5% suggested marketing in fast food restaurants or discount retailers.
More than 80% of industry respondents said SunLime’s wide variety of uses, flavor and high antioxidant content were all important or very important as “selling propositions.”
Another finger lime field day speaker from UF/IFAS, Manjul Dutt, offered additional positive input regarding finger lime marketability. He reported that:
- Many consumers like the tangy flavor of finger limes as they are less acidic than regular limes.
- Chefs and mixologists clearly desire red-colored finger limes over other colors as they are very attractive on plates and in drinks. (SunLime exhibits a rich, red color when mature.)
- Consumers are willing to pay high prices (at least $3 for 1.4 ounces) for fresh finger limes.
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