Applications are available online for Cycle Six of the traditional Citrus Research and Field Trial (CRAFT) New Tree Planting Program and Round Three of the Existing Tree Therapies Program. Growers may submit their applications until 5 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 1.
The CRAFT board of directors, with the help of the Technical Working Group, has established a list of factors of interest for Cycle Six and Round Three. The list includes areas of focus that are considered of higher interest. The list, rules for participation in the programs and payment schedules can be found on the CRAFT website.
The factors of interest list is not exclusive, and growers are encouraged to submit all project applications that they believe may be beneficial in the fight against HLB.
Along with the regular solid-set planting and reset categories, Cycle Six will once again include a solid set with Program for Expedited Propagation (PEP) materials category. These projects will be between 20 and 50 acres and will look at plantings of at least two scions (Lennon Early R20-T30-Parson Brown, Lennon Early R21-T36-Hamlin, Hamlin N14-10, Sweet Orange UF OLL-DC-3-36 and Sweet Orange UF OLL-DC-3-40) propagated as part of the PEP compared to an equivalent early- or late-season standard scion which will serve as a control. Growers who apply and are approved for participation in this category will receive $6,000 per acre over the course of their agreements. Additional details and payment schedules are available here.
More information is available from CRAFT Executive Director and Program Manager Steven Hall at Steven@craftfdn.org, Assistant Program Manager Tina Buice at Tina@craftfdn.org or Scientific Coordinator Carisa Keller at Carisa@craftfdn.org.
CRAFT funds Florida growers for conducting certain projects aimed at managing HLB and sharing the information with researchers and the industry. Learn more about CRAFT here.
Source: CRAFT Foundation
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