citrus tree

‘The Psyllids Will Like Georgia Just Fine’

Daniel CooperGeorgia, Psyllids

A California citrus leader believes Georgia will make an ideal home for the Asian citrus psyllid, which vectors the devastating huanglongbing (HLB) disease. “North of Florida, it is colder, and it’s certainly not as suitable a place as Florida is, but the psyllid is still going to be fine. The cold isn’t long enough here to knock the populations out,” …


HLB Could End Georgia’s Citrus Industry

Daniel CooperGeorgia, HLB Management

One California citrus leader believes Georgia should respond more aggressively to huanglongbing (HLB, also known as citrus greening) for the sake of the industry’s future in the state. Roger Smith, fourth-generation citrus producer and executive of AC Foods, spoke during the recent Georgia Citrus Association meeting in Tifton. He discussed the disease that devastated citrus production in Florida and could …

Georgia Citrus

Georgia Citrus Industry ‘Looking Forward’

Daniel CooperEvents, Georgia

The citrus industry has found footing in Georgia and needs continued support as this promising industry marches toward the future. Events like the Georgia Citrus Association annual meeting on Feb. 27 at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus Conference Center provided information tailored to protecting growers’ investments. “One of the things we wanted to do differently this year is remind …