orange crop

FDOC Needs Grower Responses to Citrus Damage Survey

Daniel CooperCitrus, Industry News Release

Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) Economic Market Research Development (EMRD) is working with the University of Florida Economic Impact Analysis program to assess the economic impacts of Hurricane Irma on the infrastructure of the citrus industry. University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services have already assessed preliminary crop loss estimates, but there is a need to look at the impact of the crop loss beyond the farm gate and the impact Irma will have on the industry as a whole.

FDOCFDOC has had a great response from the grower community on its citrus damage survey. However, the research team is requesting more responses.

FDOC is asking for grower feedback from each region. FDOC would like for citrus growers to fill out a  survey on Hurricane Irma damage and return it at their earliest convenience.

  • All responses will be used in aggregate and compared with UF/IFAS field reports and other sources.
  • Individual responses will be kept in confidence by EMRD, and rough estimates would be useful.

Some examples received on infrastructure damage have included general descriptions, such as “pump sheds damaged” or “packinghouse/processor will operate below capacity this season.”

Under general comments, an example of feedback received on a grower’s opinion on the U.S. Department of Agriculture forecast was “drop rate was higher than forecast.”

Please return the survey by e-mailing it to