Global lemon and lime production for 2020-21 is forecast down slightly to 8.3 million tons as lower production in Argentina and the United States more than offsets gains in the European Union and Mexico. Global consumption and exports are forecast up with less fruit being used for processing. These findings are from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service.
Mexico lemon/lime production is forecast to expand 6% to 2.9 million tons on favorable weather. Consumption and exports are up due to the greater supplies.
European Union production is forecast up 1% to 1.6 million tons as a result of favorable weather and greater harvested area. Consumption and exports are up with the higher supplies, while imports are expected to be lower.
Argentina production is forecast to drop sharply by 30% to 1 million tons due to unfavorable weather. Consumption, fruit for processing and exports are all down with the lower supplies. The European Union is expected to remain the top market, accounting for over half of exports.
Turkey production is forecast to rise 5% to 1 million tons as a result of favorable weather. Consumption is forecast down slightly, while the larger lemon and lime crop is expected to lead to higher exports.
United States production is forecast down 6% to 940,000 tons due to a smaller crop in California. Consumption is projected up with higher imports.
South Africa production is forecast to climb 2% to a record 670,000 tons as a result of favorable weather and more harvested area. Improved supplies are expected to lead to record consumption for the seventh year in a row and record exports for the fifth year in a row.
Read the full report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service.
Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service
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