
Mexican Lemon Sector Seeks Russian Market

Tacy Callieslemons, Mexico

By Francisco Seva Rivadulla


The Mexican lemon sector has set its sights on an interesting commercial market — Russia. Despite COVID-19, Russia continues to offer very good commercial options for this citrus fruit from the Aztec country.

“The Russian market is very important for the Mexican citrus sector, which currently has a business strategy to diversify its export markets, and offers a good return for our citrus,” says Jaime Galván, agri-food consultant of Michoacán, Mexico.

According to Galván, the logistics of shipping from Mexico to Russia are not easy, but the Russian market pays very good prices for quality Mexican fruit and can be a “perfect complementary market to the United States and the European Union.”

Anahí Casillas, agribusiness consultant in Mexico, agrees with Galván. “Russia is a market that offers enormous possibilities for Mexican agri-food products, but particularly for citrus. We must bear in mind that Russia currently has blocked fruit and vegetable exports from the European Union, and this is an advantage for our country, which we must take advantage of,” she says.

Casillas adds that “it is necessary and very important to promote the brand image of Mexican lemons in Russia, as well as to carry out a promotional campaign for our citrus fruits in the Russian market, to gain the trust and loyalty of Russian consumers.”

Currently, Mexico exports lemons to the United States (40%), the European Union (35%), Canada, Japan and the Middle East (15%), and other international markets.

Francisco Seva Rivadulla is an international agri-food journalist.

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