Florida Citrus Commission Chairman Steve Johnson recently reported on efforts to promote Florida grapefruit around the world:
“Florida grapefruit continues to be highly sought after throughout Asia and Europe. With many countries honoring February as National Grapefruit Month, this time of year is especially important in terms of marketing programs promoting the fruit to consumers.
“In Canada, Florida grapefruit sampling at retailers allows consumers to try before they buy. This helps customers who may have had different origins of grapefruit in the past taste the difference Florida provides.

“In the United Kingdom, Belgium and Sweden, consumers will see Florida grapefruit featured in retail promotions at several retailers. Florida grapefruit was also recently featured during a partnership with the Foreign Agricultural Service’s office in London as part of the U.S. Embassy’s USA Week at one of the city’s best fine dining restaurants. Diners enjoyed fresh Florida grapefruit as part of two starter salads prepared by third-year culinary students at Westminster Kingsway Catering College.
“In France, Florida grapefruit is being promoted at retailers, including through a partnership with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Fresh From Florida program. Last month, social media influencers were encouraged to share some sunshine with Florida on Blue Monday, which has been dubbed as the most depressing day of the year due to the drab weather and long winter nights.
“In South Korea, in addition to several retail and foodservice promotions, influential cooking celebrity Ms. Bo-Eun Lee is sharing Florida grapefruit recipes with her many fans on social media. She will highlight the factors that set Florida grapefruit apart from its competitors, including great taste and a thin peel, and encourage sales.
“In Japan, where the majority of Florida grapefruit is exported, Florida grapefruit has been featured in retail, foodservice and online promotions. Additionally, a dedication ceremony was held for Florida grapefruit last month at a famous shrine where millions of students and their families visit annually to pray for academic success. The dedication helped raise awareness of the health benefits of Florida grapefruit – perfect for students busy studying for exams.”
Source: Florida Department of Citrus

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