All commercial citrus producers in California are invited to apply for participation in the Citrus Research Board’s (CRB) California-focused Citrus Research and Field Trials (CA-CRaFT) project. The overarching goal of CA-CRaFT is to demonstrate the effects of additional mitigations on Asian citrus psyllid control within commercial citrus groves across the various citrus-growing regions in California.

The project is supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Huanglongbing Multi-Agency Coordination Group.
This project will measure psyllid levels within treated relative to the regional psyllid levels. The additional mitigations are expected to help reduce psyllid populations and inform growers of best practices. The project results will be shared on a regional, statewide and national basis.
To be considered for the program, growers should be actively following current University of California IPM guidelines and be interested in working with the CRB to test the effect of additional psyllid control methods.
Producers may choose one or more of the following mitigations:
Preventative Mitigations
- Barrier mesh fencing
- Living windbreaks
- Trap crops
Threshold-Based Mitigations
- Biological control agent releases
- Pesticide treatments (border sprays, psyllid repellents, ant control)
Priority will be given to California citrus groves with ongoing psyllid pressures and/or in proximity to major psyllid risk factors (i.e., transportation corridors and residential areas).
Compensation will be provided based on mitigations adopted.
Informational webinars will be held on Sept. 8 and Sept. 14. To learn more and register, click on the respective links below.
In the webinars, CA-CRaFT project manager, Ariana Gehrig, will provide an overview of the CA-CRaFT program including program activities and requirements, and a step-by-step review of the application process. Growers interested in learning more about the program and how to apply are encouraged to attend. Time will be made available following the presentation for questions on the program and the application process.
To participate in CA-CRaFT, submit the application here by Oct. 1.
Source: Citrus Research Board
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