Brazil’s Sustainable Citriculture Effort Updated

Josh McGillBrazil

Sustainable Citriculture, a voluntary initiative by citrus growers and orange juice industries in São Paulo and Minas Gerais, has completed two years in search of sustainable development for Brazilian citriculture.

sustainable citriculture

The initiative, which is committed to preserving natural resources, has created a set of actions and partnerships that seek to encourage responsible food production and environmental protection. Its goals include reducing the use of water, rational use of inputs and disseminating good agricultural practices already adopted by producers.

Fundecitrus supports Sustainable Citriculture and also acts in the transfer of knowledge and training of citrus growers and professionals in the sector for the adoption of the best agricultural practices. Fundecitrus is an association maintained by citrus growers and juice manufacturers from the state of São Paulo to foster the sustainable development of the citrus industry.

Citrus growers continue to participate in the economic, social and environmental development of the more than 350 cities in the citrus belt of São Paulo and Triângulo and Southwest Mineiro.

The sustainable development of citriculture is based on guidelines that promote the preservation of biodiversity in orchards, good practices for improving productivity, quality and longevity of orchards, and the dissemination of good agricultural practices.

Sustainable Citriculture is managed by the Fundecitrus Sustainability Committee, which meets periodically to prepare the planning and schedule for carrying out actions. The initiative has already consolidated partnerships with several institutions that share the same values ​​defended by the initiative. Those institutions include Brazilian Association of Bee Studies, Apply Well Program, Living Beehive, Space Foundation Eco, GeoApis, Agronomic Institute, Brazilian Institute of Agro Regulation and Sustainability and São Paulo State University.

Source: Fundecitrus

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