Worldwide Citrus Production Down in All Categories

Josh McGillCrop Forecast, International

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) recently estimated that world citrus production is down for oranges, mandarins, orange juice (OJ), grapefruit and lemons/limes. For all categories, production will be lower in 2022–23 than in the prior year.

all categories

Global OJ production for 2022–23 is estimated 9% lower to 1.5 million metric tons (MMT). Production is down due to reduced fruit available for processing in Brazil, the European Union (EU), Mexico and the United States.

Brazil production is forecast down slightly to 1.1 MMT. Brazil is by far the largest producer and is projected to account for three-quarters of global OJ exports.

Mexico production is projected to decrease by 18% to 176,000 metric tons (MT). The United States is expected to remain Mexico’s top export market for OJ.

U.S. production is estimated to fall nearly 50% to a record low 85,000 MT due to low production in Florida.

EU production is estimated to drop 21% to 64,000 MT on a reduced quantity of oranges being used for processing.

Global grapefruit production in 2022–23 is estimated down 2% to 6.8 MMT due to unfavorable weather and reduced production in China, Mexico, Turkey and the United States. China, with an estimated 5.15 MMT of production, accounts for three fourths of global production. Mexico and South Africa are tied for second in expected production at 420,000 MT, followed by the United States at 303,000 MT.

Global production of lemons and limes in 2022–23 is estimated down 11% to 9.1 MMT with lower production in Argentina, the EU, Turkey and the United States due to unfavorable weather. Mexico is the largest lemon/lime producer at an expected 2.8 MMT, followed by Argentina (1.65 MMT), the EU (1.47 MMT), Turkey (1.32 MMT) and the United States (777,000 MT). 

See the full USDA FAS report on all categories of world citrus production in 2022–23 here.

Source: USDA FAS

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