Fundecitrus Addresses Issues With Psyllid Insecticides

Josh McGillBrazil, HLB Management, Pesticides

Asian citrus psyllid

The resistance of HLB-spreading psyllids to some insecticides and the low effectiveness of insecticides applied via drench to control psyllids were recently addressed by Fundecitrus researchers.

Fundecitrus professionals participated in a meeting of the Brazilian Insecticide Resistance Action Committee. They were researcher Marcelo Miranda and agricultural engineer and postdoctoral fellow at Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture/University of São Paulo, Fernando Amaral.

At the meeting, experts presented a lecture on psyllid management to representatives of chemical companies involved in the development of insecticides.

“The purpose of the meeting was to discuss solutions to the problem of psyllid resistance to the use of some insecticides,” said Miranda.

“The meeting was very important, as we presented a general overview of the citrus industry situation to the participants, enabling the exchange of experiences, discussion on control tactics and the search for new tools to control the insect vector of greening (HLB),” said Amaral.

Initial studies carried out by Fundecitrus show that applications of neonicotinoids via drench have not achieved good results in controlling the psyllid. Research was carried out on a property in the municipality of Casa Branca. More studies with psyllids from other locations are planned.

Miranda said neonicotinoids were no longer showing good results in foliar application in some regions, and that via drench the psyllid mortality rate was also not satisfactory on the evaluated property.

Miranda noted that the research was carried out with two populations of the psyllid. “It is a comparison between the susceptible population and a rural population,” Miranda said. “The former had a high mortality, but the rural population had a lower mortality than expected.”

The study is in its initial phase, and other results will soon be analyzed. “We are also studying other areas, but in this specific area we have already carried out two tests, and the application via drench did not control the psyllids,” Miranda said.

Source: Fundecitrus

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