Social Media to Promote Florida Gift Fruit

Josh McGillFlorida Department of Citrus, Fresh

The majority of the Florida Department of Citrus’ (FDOC) $58,200 budget for gift fruit marketing in 2023–24 will fund promoted social media content. FDOC Global Marketing Manager Katelynn Long told the Gift Fruit Shippers Advisory Council Oct. 11 that the budget also includes influencer partnerships, media relations releases and content development and administration.

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Long said the FDOC plans to focus on creating awareness for Florida gift fruit during key moments from November 2023 through early February 2024. Based on perceived gift fruit inventory, the program will allocate 55% of the gift fruit marketing budget to the period of Nov. 1 to Dec. 17, 2023. The remaining 45% of the budget will be allocated from Jan. 2 to Feb. 7, 2024.

The messaging and theme for the gift fruit marketing plan in 2023–24 will remind consumers of the variety and cost-effectiveness of gift fruit options. The program will also continue to highlight the taste and nutrition benefits of Florida citrus. 

Long said consumers enjoy giving gift fruit baskets because they are suitable for everyone, beautiful, nutritious, refreshing and shareable. Additionally, consumers are looking for a little treat that does not break the bank, Long said.

During the past 2022–23 season, Honeybell messaging was well received among audiences on social media, causing high engagement and positive comments about the fruit, Long reported. She added that video content, specifically recipes, performed strongly on Instagram. Holiday-themed content drove higher results, she added.

The FDOC is an executive agency of the state of Florida tasked with the marketing, research and regulation of the Florida citrus industry. The FDOC is governed by the Florida Citrus Commission (FCC), whose members are appointed by Florida’s governor. FCC Chairman Steve Johnson this summer said the agency’s marketing programs work and explained how their success is tracked; see his comments here.

Source: Florida Department of Citrus

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