Global lemon/lime production in 2023–24 is forecast up 225,000 tons from the prior year to 10 million tons, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) reported. Higher production in the European Union, South Africa and Turkey more than offsets lower production in Mexico and the United States.
Here are the regional lemon/lime forecasts for 2023–24:
Turkey production is forecast up 264,000 tons to a record 1.6 million tons due to favorable weather and higher yields. Exports are at near record levels with the increase in available supplies.
South Africa production is forecast up 10% to 720,000 tons due to favorable weather. Record exports are expected for the eighth year in a row. The European Union will continue to account for more than one-third of the South African lemon/lime exports.
Mexico production is forecast to be 5% lower at 3 million tons as growers expect citrus greening to affect yields. Exports are forecast to be lower due to the reduced supplies. The United States will continue to account for nearly all of Mexico’s exports.
Argentina production is forecast to be up 3% to 1.9 million tons due to favorable weather. Exports are forecast to be higher with the increased supplies.
European Union production is forecast up 16% to 1.7 million tons, attributed to an all-time-record harvest in Spain. Exports are up with the higher production while imports are down.
United States production is forecast down 254,000 tons to 758,000 tons on lower yields in California due to unfavorable weather. Because of the reduction, fruit for processing is forecast to be down, and imports are expected to be up.
Chile production is estimated to rise 11,000 tons to 175,000 tons on higher planted area. Producers are also focusing on increasing productivity and yields by improving water and disease management. Exports are expected to be up. The United States is expected to remain Chile’s top export market.
See the full USDA FAS report on world citrus here.
Source: USDA FAS
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