Fundecitrus’ annual survey of HLB in Brazil indicates that disease incidence rose from 38.06% in 2023 to 44.35% in 2024 throughout the Citrus Belt of São Paulo and Triângulo/Southwest Mineiro. This is the seventh consecutive year of growth for the disease.
HLB was found in approximately 90.36 million trees. In total, there are 203.74 million orange trees throughout the Citrus Belt.
The advancement of HLB reflects the population growth of the psyllid that transmits the disease.
Fundecitrus stated that the growth in psyllid population and HLB incidence continues to require citrus growers to adopt effective measures to mitigate the disease in orchards. Those measures are primarily adequate control of the HLB-spreading psyllid and elimination of diseased plants.
“Citrus growers and professionals in the sector … need to continue the work that has been done to mitigate the disease and effectively control the psyllid,” said Fundecitrus General Manager Juliano Ayres. “In this battle against the worst citrus disease, there is no room for relaxation.”
Improved actions recommended by Fundecitrus and put into practice by citrus growers in psyllid control measures have recently been observed. These practices include the use of more efficient products, adoption of insecticide rotation with different modes of action, reduction of application interval and better spray quality.
Of the 12 Citrus Belt regions, HLB incidence varies greatly, from 79% to less than 1%.
The regions with the highest incidence in 2024 continue to be Limeira (79.38%), Brotas (77.06%), Porto Ferreira (71.77%), Duartina (63.93%) and Avaré (63.41%). The Altinópolis region remained in the group with a high incidence of greening (42.93%), followed closely by the Bebedouro region (39.17%).
The regions of Matão (18.91%), São José do Rio Preto (17.57%) and Itapetininga (15.19%) remain in an intermediate range.
The regions of Votuporanga (3.14%) and Triângulo Mineiro (0.11%) continue to have the lowest incidences. However, in Votuporanga, a significant increase in the disease was observed in relation to the previous year (77.4%), while in Triângulo Mineiro a reduction in incidence was observed (68.6%).
Fundecitrus’ guidance is that HLB management should be adjusted according to the incidence of the disease in the region where the property is located. In areas with a higher incidence of the disease, it is recommended to intensify HLB control measures within commercial orchards.
In areas with a low incidence of HLB, it is essential to maintain the elimination of diseased plants within the orchard, in addition to measures to control the psyllid and reduce external inoculum sources.
Source: Fundecitrus
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