Orange juice processing and trade are among topics addressed in a recent U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA FAS) report on Brazilian citrus.
Approximately 80% of Brazilian orange production is used for juice processing, and 20% goes to the market as fresh fruit, USDA FAS reported.
Orange juice production is concentrated in the state of São Paulo, followed by Minas Gerais. Those areas are often referred to as Brazil’s Citrus Belt, where the vast majority of Brazilian oranges are produced. Most juice is produced by CitrusBR members Citrosuco, Cutrale and Louis Dreyfus.
The shortage of oranges has been pushing the juice industry to launch mixed flavors. The reduced availability of oranges combined with the rise in prices motivates companies to incorporate a combination of two or more fruits into their portfolio, USDA FAS stated. Such a combination is mango and orange juice sold as a mix to consumers.
Others add water to create nectar and even reduce the size of bottles from 1 liter to 700 milliliters. Some companies reportedly have started adding apples to drinks that were previously orange-only.
One of the threats looming within the citrus sector is the drop in orange juice consumption globally. According to the International Association of Fruit and Vegetable Juices, the consumption of orange juice in Europe fell between 15% and 20% in 2023.
Orange juice in Brazil is processed into concentrated and not-from-concentrate juice and distributed worldwide. Brazil is the world’s leading exporter of orange juice and accounts for 75% of orange juice marketed in the world. The largest export market is the European Union, followed by the United States.
Summary information from the USDA FAS report can be found here on citrus greening disease, orange production and plantings in Brazil.
Source: USDA FAS
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