In the past year, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) undertook a significant effort to update all the state’s agricultural best management practices (BMPs) manuals. Many of these manuals had not been updated for over a decade. FDACS updated the manuals to: For the citrus BMP manual, the notice of change was published in the Florida Administrative …
Cost-Share Funds for Water Projects
The Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) is accepting applications for its Facilitating Agricultural Resource Management Systems (FARMS) cost-share program. The program expedites water resource development and alternative water supply projects on agricultural properties by providing funding assistance to implement production-scale best management practices (BMPs). To qualify for funding, projects must be located in the SWFWMD and include one or …
Improved Cost-Share Opportunities for Implementing Florida BMPs
There have been some changes and new opportunities for growers to benefit from a cost-share program available from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) Office of Agricultural Water Policy (OAWP). We asked John “JP” Fraites to provide some insights on what the OAWP does and the cost-share program. First, what is your role with FDACS? FRAITES: As …
New BMP Cost-Share Application Launched
The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Office of Agricultural Water Policy (FDACS OAWP) recently announced updates to the Best Management Practices (BMP) Cost Share Program. A new application portal is now open. Applications can be submitted directly via smartphone or computer. Learn more about the BMP Program, including how to request project funding, here. There are now clearer …
Citrus Nutrient Management Recommendations Continue to Evolve
When HLB arrived in Florida, it changed the world for citrus growers, and a lot of other things had to change with it. One of the biggest changes has been how growers manage their fertilizer programs. The nutrient recommendations that had been developed by the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) before HLB became outdated because …
Now Is the Time for Soil and Leaf Sampling
July to September is the optimum time to collect citrus soil and leaf samples for analysis. Soil and leaf sampling are key components in the evaluation of a citrus nutrition program and required Citrus Best Management Practices recordkeeping documentation. Annual sampling and its analysis provide a good idea of the nutritional trends that have been occurring within specific grove blocks …
Digging Into New Citrus Nutrient Recommendations
In 2022, the Florida Legislature allocated $8.7 million in funds to the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) to update nutrient recommendations for several specialty crops, including citrus. In some cases, it had been decades since the recommendations were updated. The case was made that it was time for nutrient recommendations for citrus that consider new …
Citrus BMP Manual Being Revised
Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Wilton Simpson has tasked his staff with reviewing and revising all of the best management practices (BMP) manuals that impact Florida agricultural operations in 2024. Revision work on the citrus BMP manual was undertaken by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) Office of Agricultural Water Policy in 2020. However, that work was never …
BMPs Discussed at Gulf Citrus Growers Luncheon
The Gulf Citrus Growers Association hosted a member luncheon last week at the Southwest Florida Research and Education Center in Immokalee. Speakers at the event focused on water and nutrient management. West Gregory, director of the Office of Agricultural Water Policy with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS), spoke during the event. He outlined his priorities for …
BMP Updates Highlighted at Workshop
The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) hosted a water and nutrient management workshop at the Citrus Research and Education Center in mid-February. In addition to seminars, a grove tour was provided to demonstrate a nutrient-rate trial currently underway at the center. Kelly Morgan, UF/IFAS professor of crop nutrition, spoke on recent activity to update citrus …
Updates for Citrus Nutrient Best Management Practices
By Kelly T. Morgan, Davie Kadyampakeni and Tripti Vashisth This article reviews current University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus fertilizer recommendations and provides updated information about recently approved recommendations for secondary macronutrients and micronutrients. Citrus growers have been very concerned about fertilizer applications and nutrient management since citrus greening (huanglongbing or HLB) was found in …
Fertilizer Exemption Issued Due to Hurricane Ian
The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) recently issued an emergency rule allowing growers enrolled in best management practices (BMP) programs to apply replacement fertilizer to reestablish crops impacted by Hurricane Ian. Under the rule, producers can make those applications without fear of being out of compliance with their respective BMP manuals. The emergency rule will be in …
BMP Verification Visits Suspended
The requirement that the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) conduct Best Management Practice (BMP) implementation verification visits has been temporarily suspended for several counties impacted by Hurricane Ian. The action was taken Oct. 31 by Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Nikki Fried. The 60-day suspension is effective for the counties of Brevard, Broward, Charlotte, Collier, DeSoto, Flagler, Glades, …
FFAA Conference Takes Up Nutrient and Water-Quality Issues
Florida Fertilizer & Agrichemical Association members gathered in Palm Beach recently for the organization’s annual conference. The status of nutrient regulations and water-quality issues were at the top of the agenda for the group. Ernie Barnett, Florida Land Council president, addressed those issues during the conference. He has been involved with water issues in the state for more than 30 …
Growing Matters: Safe Neonicotinoid Use Urged
Growing Matters, funded by a consortium of agricultural chemical companies, recently launched its fourth annual BeSure! campaign to promote best management practices when using neonicotinoid products on farms and urban landscapes. The campaign uses a wide range of media channels to remind growers, crop protection applicators and others to ensure label directions and responsible stewardship measures are followed for neonicotinoid …
BMPs Addressed in Bill
Florida Sen. Ben Albritton filed a bill (SB 1000) to address issues related to best management practices (BMPs), the Nov. 19 Florida Citrus Mutual Triangle newsletter reported. According to the Triangle, the bill addresses several issues stemming from outdated science supporting University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) nutrient recommendation rates pertaining to BMPs. The bill also …
Growers Uncertain About BMPs
Citrus growers are adopting best management practices (BMPs), but there is some uncertainty about how the practices affect yields and profitability. That was the summary of a grower survey about BMPs conducted by the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS). A presentation highlighting the survey results was available at the UF/IFAS booth during Citrus Expo in …
Florida Citrus BMPs: Update and Suggestions
Work on finalizing a newly revised citrus best management practices (BMPs) manual has slowed, and that’s a good thing, according to Highlands County Citrus Growers Association (HCCGA) Executive Director Ray Royce. In a recent HCCGA newsletter article, he stated that a number of issues, especially related to nutrient management and application efficiency, need to be better understood. “It is the …
Irrigation and Nutrient Management BMPs
A Citrus Expo presentation about best management practices (BMPs) focused on what growers should be doing now in their irrigation and nutrient management programs. The presentation noted that current BMPs were developed prior to HLB’s discovery in Florida in 2005, and that studies are underway to revise the citrus BMPs for nitrogen and phosphorus. The presentation was created by University …
Grower BMP Concerns
Highlands County Citrus Growers Association (HCCGA) Executive Director Ray Royce recently discussed grower concerns about Florida’s Best Management Practices (BMP) program. The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) runs the program. According to Royce, growers are concerned about the BMP implementation, verification audits, some of the information they’ve been asked for by the FDACS staff and what may …
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