
Researching Scouting Strategies for ACP

Daniel CooperCitrus, Psyllids

Asian citrus psyllid

Several research projects continue at University of California Riverside to evaluate strategies for better detection of Asian citrus psyllid (ACP). Monique Rivera, assistant cooperative Extension specialist, is looking into something referred to as the ‘edge effect’ and how it pertains to ACP control.

“The ‘edge effect’ is basically an ecological term that we’re using in the context of Asian citrus psyllid to describe the fact that they aggregate on the edges of groves at least initially before infesting the field and that this is the best location in which to scout for them,” said Rivera. “I’m trying to figure out what the edge effect is in California so that we can establish IPM programs that implement border sprays.”

Rivera noted that researchers will also be studying other areas of ACP detection related to the edge effect. “One thing we are going to look at in the coming spring once our populations build is if we can correlate ACP populations on the edge with a prevalence of certain ant species, such as Argentine ant here in Southern California.”

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Researching Scouting Strategies for ACP